Getting Started

Vimana is an open-source project written in Go. It provides a CLI to launch spacecores on the decentralized network. This enables anyone to run different types of nodes seamlessly, e.g. light node, full node, bridge node, and RPCs for Berachain.

Quick Start

Open the terminal and run:

  curl -L | bash && vimana init
  vimana run celestia light-node


Install Binary:

curl -L | bash

Install from Source:

make build

Run Celestia light node:

vimana run celestia light-node

See options for a specific node type:

vimana run celestia light-node --help

  vimana run celestia bridge-node [flags]

  -h, --help             help for bridge-node
      --network string   Specifies the Celestia network (default "arabica")
      --rpc string       Specifies the Celestia RPC endpoint (default "")

You can pass in the network and rpc endpoint as flags, or default (arabica) is used if not specified.

vimana run celestia light-node --network arabica --rpc

Last updated