Building a Spacecore

Adding a new space core to the Vimana CLI

Estimated time to complete this guide: <30 minutes

  1. Add the configuration to config.toml. e.g.


binary = "/tmp/vimana/dymension/dymd"
download = "/tmp/vimana/dymension/"
  1. Implement the NodeCommander interface for that component and mode.


type DymensionFullCommander struct {

func NewDymensionFullCommander() *DymensionFullCommander {
	return &DymensionFullCommander{
		BaseCommander: BaseCommander{NodeType: "full"},

func (c *DymensionFullCommander) Init(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, mode Mode) error {
	utils.ExecBashCmd(exec.Command("bash", mode.Download), utils.WithOutputToStdout(), utils.WithErrorsToStderr())
	return c.componentMgr.InitializeConfig()

func (c *DymensionFullCommander) Run(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, mode Mode) {
	c.Init(cmd, args, mode)
	cmdexecute := c.componentMgr.GetStartCmd()
	utils.ExecBashCmd(cmdexecute, utils.WithOutputToStdout(), utils.WithErrorsToStderr())
  1. Update initComponentManager() and NewComponentManager() to support the new component.


func (c *BaseCommander) initComponentManager(binary string) {
	if b.componentMgr == nil {
		b.componentMgr = components.NewComponentManager("dymension", binary, b.NodeType)
// In NewComponentManager():
	case config.Celestia:
		component = NewDymensionComponent(root, ".vimana/dymension", nodeType)
  1. Implement NewDymensionComponent and it's methods InitializeConfig() and GetStartCmd().


// implement how to initialize dymd
// implement the start command for dymd
  1. Register their implementation in the commanderRegistry.


commanderRegistry.Register("dymension", "full", &DymensionFullCommander{})
	"celestia-light":  cli.NewCelestiaLightCommander(),
  1. Add the component to the

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