Ecosystem Collaborators

Participants make it possible to run a distributed operating system

  1. Vimana Operators (Node Runners):

  • Role: Vimana Operators are responsible for running components, either orchestrated by the Vistara Network or manually via UI/CLI. These components can serve various purposes, ranging from running different types of nodes to facilitating autoscaling or interconnecting with other components. Additionally, Vimana operators are the primary hardware providers, ensuring their Vimana software is operational and that the relevant hardware is available for component access.

  • Security: Security is achieved by running components as isolated VMs with dedicated virtual network adapters, preventing component interference and unauthorized access to disk or RAM memory sectors. Another layer of security stems from the inherent trust between Vistara and the individual or entity connecting to their hardware, manifested through monetary stake, reputation, service quality metrics, or other trust indicators.

  • Incentives: Incentivization is largely defined by the Component Architects. For instance, a component running a Bitcoin node might reward Vimana Operators with Bitcoin for block generation. Additional incentives might be introduced via Vistara governance, particularly to promote activities that enhance the Vistara ecosystem.

  1. Veda Nodes (Validators):

  • Role: Veda Nodes are a specialized form of Vimana Nodes. They oversee the super minimal Vistara network chain, facilitating collaboration among Vimanas and handling tasks like Vimana registration, statistics collection, and more.

  • Security: Vedas utilize BFT consensus, with the capability to elect or remove Veda Nodes based on adherence to a predefined code of conduct. Some Veda Nodes might also have stake delegated to them, and in case of malicious activity, they can be slashed.

  • Incentives: Veda Nodes receive block rewards for generating Vistara blocks. A base UBI approach can be considered to ensure they aren't operating at a loss, which could potentially weaken consensus.

  1. Developers:

  • Role: Developers are tasked with coding components for diverse networks, beyond just Vistara. This includes centralized systems, private corporate networks, and even institutions wanting to share or borrow resources from the Vistara public network.

  • Security: Developers have the freedom to use any programming language, only needing to adhere to Vistara's interfaces. The components are isolation and developers would need to specify their exposure methods for their applications.

  • Incentives: For architects, Vistara offers a seamless deployment experience. By entrusting the hardware setup to Vimana Operators, architects can focus solely on their code. The competitive free market setting drives operational costs down, and Vistara imposes no additional fees.

  1. End Users:

  • Role: Use the applications and services provided on the Vistara platform.

  • Security: In the web3 paradigm, users often have ownership stakes in decentralized apps through tokens. This gives them the power to run audit/verifier nodes, bolstering app security using a fisherman logic.

  • Incentives: Users, over time, should experience enhanced service quality and reduced costs, thanks to Vistara's no-tax approach and market competition.

  1. Stakers (or Bonding Participants):

  • Role: Stakers imbue Veda Nodes with trust through stake delegation.

  • Security: Penalties for non-compliant Vedas are determined by governance. Inadvertent errors like double-signing shouldn't lead to stake forfeiture unless network integrity is threatened.

  • Incentives: Stakers can claim a share of block rewards for lending their trust to the network.

  1. Governance Participants:

  • Role: Governance has the duty to shape the network's direction. It could also be tasked with forming specialized governance bodies for nuanced decision-making, ensuring smooth network operations.

  • Security: Using a role and permission system akin to AWS can ensure a robust security framework. By decoupling stake from governance decisions, the system can rely on a strong social consensus where each member has an equal say within their respective governance body.

  • Incentive: Like Veda Nodes, governance participants might receive a UBI, reinforcing their commitment to the network's success.

Last updated